Category Archives: Soft Tissue Injury

Can You Sue a Doctor for Misdiagnosis? A Misdiagnosis Happens More Often Than You Think.
Tragically, medical misdiagnoses are exceedingly common in the United States and Mississippi, and misdiagnoses can lead to serious or fatal injuries and illnesses. If you’re the victim of a medical misdiagnosis, you may wonder if you have the option to file a lawsuit. Those who suffer from an injury or illness caused by medical… Read More »

Can Loud Noise at Work Affect My Health?
Millions of people go to work every day unaware of the health hazards they are exposed to. When most people think of workplace hazards, they imagine heavy machinery, dangerous lifting, or some kind of physical damage to the bones, muscles, or soft tissue. However, one critical health risk that people unknowingly expose themselves to… Read More »

Louisiana Excavation and Trench Accident Injuries
Excavation and trench accidents are highly preventable, but many of these accidents have injured and even killed employees. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), hundreds of injuries and dozens of fatalities occur every year due to trench collapses and excavation accidents, making them one of the deadliest accidents that can occur… Read More »

Broken Bone Injuries and Workers Compensation
Unfortunately, broken bones are common, and the average person will experience two of them in his or her lifetime. That works out to 6.8 million Americans who suffer a broken bone each year. In case you are wondering, a fracture is the same as a break, so we’ll use the terms interchangeably. Although some… Read More »

Common Injuries Truck Drivers Experience
The freight industry is one of the largest industries in America. Every year, the trucking industry specifically brings in billions of dollars of revenue. For this reason, many individuals take up trucking as a career to boost their income potential. However, the life of a truck driver is not always easy. Aside from countless… Read More »

Delayed Symptoms of Workplace Injuries
Workers’ compensation is a no-fault system available to eligible workers who have been injured on the job. However, there is a time limit on filing a workers’ compensation claim. Unfortunately, the symptoms of some injuries are not always immediately apparent, which can lead to workers waiting until it’s too late to file a claim…. Read More »

Most Dangerous Intersections and Roads in Mississippi
Although there are many reasons to love living in Mississippi, dangerous roads are not one of them. Unfortunately, Mississippi is the deadliest state for drivers. Statistically, Mississippi has the highest traffic fatality rate in the nation. There are an estimated 22.9 traffic fatalities for every 100,000 Mississippians. The news site Mississippi Today stated that… Read More »

What You Need to Know About Slips, Trips, and Falls in the Workplace
Slip, trip, and fall injuries can happen anywhere, so it’s no surprise that these injuries often occur while at work. Every year, there are almost $70 billion in workers’ compensation claims and expenses associated with slip, trip, and fall injuries. Additionally, one-third of workplace injuries occur from falls, and they’re one of the main… Read More »

Common Types of Factory Accidents
Factory work is labor-intensive and can be quite dangerous. Workers in these kinds of industrial settings are exposed to a number of hazardous materials and dangerous equipment on a daily basis. According to the Department of Labor, 5,333 workers died on the job in 2019. Though not all of those who died were factory… Read More »

Warehouse Worker Injuries
Warehouse workers perform a variety of tasks on a daily basis. Generally, these types of workers are considered laborers, and they primarily perform tasks related to stock and inventory. This can include loading and unloading shipments, moving items around the warehouse, managing inventory, labeling and packaging items, breaking down bulk materials, and operating heavy… Read More »