Tag Archives: workers injuries

Stress and Anxiety and Mississippi Workers’ Compensation
When discussing workers’ compensation, most people think of the physical injuries or illnesses they can sustain on the job that would result in them needing to file for benefits. However, mental health issues and stress can be just as much of a threat and require medical care and time off work. While many things… Read More »

What Are Louisiana Indemnity Benefits?
Being injured or becoming ill on the job can be scary for many workers who entirely rely on their income to survive. If you have to miss days and weeks, or even months of work while recovering, you might wonder how you will pay for your expenses. Luckily, there is something called indemnity benefits,… Read More »

Chemical Exposure and Workers’ Compensation in Louisiana
When a worker becomes ill due to exposure to toxic and hazardous chemicals in the workplace, they have a right to file a workers’ compensation claim. Chemical exposure can lead to severe health issues, many of which can result in long-term damage. So it’s essential for workers to successfully file a claim to ensure… Read More »

Can You Get Carbon Monoxide Poisoning at Work?
Workers have a right to safe working conditions that do not pose a threat to their health. This includes exposure to carbon monoxide (CO). Unfortunately, carbon monoxide is a serious concern in many workplace environments. Every year, over 400 people die from accidental CO poisoning, which could have been prevented. Carbon monoxide is an… Read More »

Can You Sue Your Employer for a Work-Related Injury in Louisiana?
Whether a work accident is minor or severe, injured workers have a right to file a claim to receive workers’ compensation benefits. These benefits were established to protect workers who become injured on the job without the need to prove fault. However, workers’ compensation insurance also helps protect employers from being sued. Workers’ compensation… Read More »

Sitting on the Job. Can This Cause Injury and a Workers’ Comp Claim?
When people think of workplace injuries, they often picture deadly accidents and other causes of sudden onset injuries, but these are not the only types of workplace injuries. People can develop workplace injuries and illnesses over an extended period of time, which is often the case for people suffering from sitting-related injuries. A large… Read More »

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Workers Compensation
Workers can develop chronic pain for varying reasons, especially if their job involves strenuous activity. Though many workers’ compensation claims are filed for specific incidents that cause an injury, you can receive benefits for chronic injuries that develop over time. However, it is often more challenging to prove a chronic pain injury is work-related…. Read More »