If You are a Worker in Louisiana that Works from Heights, You May Want to Read This

There is no doubt that some of the toughest jobs in Louisiana involve work that is done from heights. From roofing work to firefighting, retail and warehouse work to steel working, and from construction to crane operating, a variety of important and necessary jobs require workers to scale scaffoldings, ladders, and platforms in order to perform their work. The unfortunate fact is that the hardworking Louisiana workers that work in jobs that require them to scale and work at heights are extremely dangerous, and can expose a worker to not only serious and disabling injuries, but also fatal accidents. But just how dangerous are jobs that involve potential falls from heights? Here’s what you need to know if you work in a job that requires you to work at heights in Louisiana.
Falls from Heights on the Job – The Statistics Say It All
According to the National Safety Council, falls on the job come in third place when it comes to fatal workplace accidents, only behind highway crashes and “intentional injuries by persons.” In addition, fall-related accidents account for the fifth leading cause of days missed from work by workers in the United States. Indeed, in 2021 alone, 680 workers died as a result of fall accidents on the job, and, according to the NSC, in 2020, a whopping 49,250 were injured as a result of falls from a higher level to a lower level. When it comes to industries prone to fall accidents, the NSC data reveals that “service providing industries”, “trade, transportation, and utilities” jobs, and “retail trade” work were the jobs where the most fall accidents occurred in 2020. In terms of bodily injuries, in 2020, 21% of fall accidents affected the trunk of the body (and primarily the trunk’s back), 19% involved the upper extremities, and 34% involved the lower extremities. In sum, fall accidents account for far too many severe and disabling injuries on the job, and work-related fatalities.
Legal Help for Injured Workers in Louisiana – Louisiana Workers’ Compensation Lawyer
Regardless of the industry or job that you work in, if you were injured in a fall accident or any type of workplace accident in Louisiana, it is best to learn about your rights to Louisiana workers’ compensation benefits. Under Louisiana workers’ compensation laws, most Louisiana workers who are injured on the job and who are disabled from work are entitled to important benefits to help them recover from their injuries so they can return to normal life and work.
If you were injured in a workplace accident in Louisiana and you are unable to work your job, contact the experienced Louisiana workers’ compensation lawyers at Lunsford Baskin & Priebe. The experienced Louisiana workers’ compensation lawyers at Lunsford Baskin & Priebe offer a free and confidential consultation to learn about your case and to see if they can help get you workers’ compensation benefits due. Contact Lunsford Baskin & Priebe today and speak to a Louisiana workers’ compensation lawyer about your rights and options for free.