How to Get a New Orleans Personal Injury Lawyer for Your Car Accident Case without Breaking the Bank

One of the most common concerns that a car accident survivor has after a terrible and unexpected car accident is how much it may cost to get legal help. The truth is, car accidents often occur in New Orleans due to another driver or party’s fault, and while the victim of the accident may have legal claims, they hesitate to speak to a lawyer for fear that they will have to pay significant out-of-pocket fees and costs in order to pursue them. The drawback, of course, is that waiting to speak to a lawyer can impact the success of a case, as witnesses dry up, memories become murky, and worse still, the statute of limitations runs out. What many New Orleans car accident survivors truly want to know is how to get an experienced New Orleans personal injury lawyer to fight for them without draining their bank accounts.
“Contingency Fee” New Orleans Personal Injury Lawyers
Fortunately, not all lawyers operate on what is probably thought of as the “typical” hourly fee schedule. In movies and on TV, New Orleans car accident victims have probably seen a lawyer and a client enter into a retainer agreement whereby the car accident victim client pays the lawyer a retainer up-front, and the lawyer bills hourly to work on their case. In addition to the lawyers’ time spent on the case – the “fees” – New Orleans car accident victims have also probably seen bills for costs – such as for court filing fees, court reporters, copies, postage, and other costs related to the case – be billed to the client in exorbitant amounts. What New Orleans car accident victims need to know is that this is not the way that all law firms operate, and it is possible to hire a New Orleans personal injury lawyer without paying any legal fees or costs up-front at all.
Indeed, some lawyers operate on what is called a “contingency fee” agreement, which means the lawyers only get paid if their representation leads to a monetary award or settlement for the client. In these types of arrangements, typically the lawyers front all the costs of litigation – which can sometimes be substantial – and put their own time into the case without being paid anything hourly. If the lawyers recover an award or settlement, they typically get an agreed-upon percentage of the award or settlement, as well as their costs back. These types of arrangements can be one way that a New Orleans car accident victim can get experienced legal help, without paying any legal fees or costs unless they settle or win their case.
Lunsford Baskin & Priebe – Experienced New Orleans Personal Injury Lawyers
The experienced New Orleans personal injury lawyers at Lunsford Baskin & Priebe have a motto: “No Recovery No Fee”. Accordingly, the lawyers at Lunsford Baskin & Priebe provide a free and confidential consultation to learn about your case and to see if they can help you, and charge no fee without recovering compensation for your personal injury case. Contact the experienced New Orleans personal injury lawyers at Lunsford Baskin & Priebe today and speak to a lawyer about your case for free.