Map Reveals High Worker Stress in Louisiana Workplaces – Louisiana Ranks First in States with Most Stressful Jobs

There is no doubt that stress can seriously impact a person in their day-to-day life, making small tasks seem large, causing brain fog and confusion, and causing frustration, lack of sleep, and, sometimes, mounting arguments with loved ones. Add that stress to the workplace, and you have a recipe for a 40-hour-plus week of jittery nerves, heightened tensions between coworkers, and the risk for workers to make mistakes and be involved in horrific and deadly workplace accidents. Indeed, while most people in Louisiana and throughout the country cannot completely eliminate stress in their lives, they can at least try to pick a job or profession that may be more suited to them, less stressful, and less demanding. However, not everyone has the luxury to select a non-stressful job, and many Louisiana workers are stuck at desks or on their feet in a ball of stress throughout their workday. But how bad is job stress in Louisiana, and where does Louisiana stack up when it comes to the work stress workers in other states experience? A recent study sheds light on these questions, and we share that study here.
Louisiana Hits Top of List of States with Most Stressful Jobs in U.S.
According to a report published by Newsweek, Louisiana ranks number one when it comes to ranking the states by “most stressful jobs.” Louisiana earned this title for a number of reasons. First, Louisiana has the longest average workweek in the United States, with employees averaging 36.5 hours per week. Second, Louisiana workers’ wages rank on the low-side, at $28.98 average hourly wage, which is 14.3% below the national average. In addition, most Louisiana workers must go into work and cannot work from home. A whopping 93.8% of workers have no work-from-home option. Louisiana workers also have a long commute, at an average of 26 minutes commuting time to-and-from work. Finally, and importantly, Louisiana ranks 32.7% higher than other states when it comes to horrific and fatal workplace accidents. The Pelican State reported 6.4 workplace deaths per 100,000 workers.
On the other hand, the study revealed that Minnesota is the state with the least stressed-out workers. Minnesota workers work an average of 3.5 hours less than workers in Mississippi, but make, on average, almost $10 per hour more, at an average hourly rate of $37.51, which is 13.1% above the national average. Unemployment rates in Minnesota are also about half those of Louisiana, and fatal workplace incidents also occur almost 50% less frequently in Minnesota than in Louisiana.
Workplace Stress Can Lead to Workplace Injuries – Get Legal Help if You are Injured on the Job in Louisiana
Workplace injuries contribute to workplace stress, and workplace stress can contribute to workplace injuries. The two go hand and hand. If you were injured in a serious workplace injury in Louisiana, it is important to know that you may be entitled to important workers’ compensation benefits to help you through your injury while you are out of work. The experienced Louisiana workers’ compensation lawyers at the law firm Lunsford Baskin & Priebe, PLLC are here to help injured Louisiana workers get workers’ compensation benefits for their workplace injuries. Do not hesitate to speak to an experienced Lawyer about your case today. Contact Lunsford Basin & Priebe, PLLC and speak to a lawyer about your case now.