Louisiana Workers Severely Injured in Chemical Plant Accident

Recent news of a chemical plant accident that occurred over the weekend has shaken the residents of Gramercy, Louisiana, and has exposed to the public the dangerous risks that chemical plant workers face every day on the job. According to local reports, multiple workers at the Atalco alumina plant in Gramercy were severely or critically injured as a result of a workplace accident on Sunday, January 7. The Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (OHSEP) stated that the horrific workplace accident occurred around 3:43 p.m., and that it lasted only two minutes.
Though the chemical accident at the Atalco plant was short in duration, the dangers that chemical plant workers exposed to the accident were immense. Although initial reports stated that a total of five chemical plant workers were burned in the accident, later Atalco company officials revised their statement and reported that four workers had been injured. Of those four workers, three had to be airlifted from the accident site for emergency medical treatment. The accident had resulted from the release of “heated process mix”. The released mix is said to have been highly caustic, and, as a result, caused severe chemical burns to the workers who were exposed to it. The company made an official statement to the public, as follows: “On the afternoon of Sunday January 7, 2024 an incident occurred at the Atalco Gramercy refinery while performing routine maintenance related activities. The incident involved an unexpected release of heated process mix resulting in four Atalco employees being directly contacted by the material. The employees were promptly brought to safety showers and provided initial care and treatment from first responders before being taken to area hospitals for more advanced medical care and treatment of serious though non-life-threatening injuries. Two of the four employees have since been treated and released.” The company also noted that the accident caused no environmental issues or safety and health concerns for the community. The company stated that the incident had been contained, and no other workers were at risk.
Justice for Workers Injured on the Job in Louisiana
In Louisiana, most workers who are injured on the job and who are unable to work as a result are entitled to Louisiana workers’ compensation benefits. These benefits are designed to help injured workers financially while they are healing from work-related injuries so that they can return to their regular work when they are healed. Louisiana workers’ compensation benefits include wage replacement compensation, medical expense reimbursement, vocational rehabilitation training, and other important benefits.
If you were injured while working your job in Louisiana, it is important to discuss your rights and options with an experienced Louisiana workers’ compensation lawyer as soon as possible. The experienced Louisiana workers’ compensation lawyers at Lunsford Baskin & Priebe, PLLC offer a free and confidential consultation to learn about your case and to see if they can help you get workers’ compensation benefits due to you. Contact the experienced Louisiana workers’ compensation lawyers at Lunsford Baskin & Priebe, PLLC today and speak to a lawyer about your case for free.